Free Beacon Charles Fain Lehman

Charles Fain Lehman is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor at City Journal. He was previously a staff writer with the Washington Free Beacon.

Dems Introduce ICE Abolition Bill With Few Real Details

Sponsors say they won't vote for their own bill

July 13, 2018
Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Sessions Announces New Taskforce to Tackle Fentanyl

Ten counties to get zero tolerance prosecution for fentanyl offenses

July 12, 2018

Children Under Five Reunited, Admin. Announces

All children must be reunited within two weeks, by court order

July 12, 2018

Judge Says No to Overturning Agreement Critical to Family Separation

Unclear if DOJ will appeal ruling on modifying Flores agreement

July 10, 2018
Judge Brett Kavanaugh

Praise for Kavanaugh Sweeps In

Conservatives, some liberals back Trump pick for SCOTUS

July 10, 2018
Brett Kavanaugh

Trump Picks Kavanaugh

President officially makes second nomination for SCOTUS

July 9, 2018
Despite Trump Executive Order, Over 2300 Migrant Children Still Held In Cam

Number of Southwestern Border Crossers Drops in June

Administration attributes 18 percent decline to zero-tolerance

July 5, 2018