Free Beacon Bill McMorris

Bill McMorris is senior editor for the Washington Free Beacon. He joins the Beacon from the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, where he was managing editor of Old Dominion Watchdog. He was a 2010 Robert Novak Fellow with the Phillips Foundation, where he studied state pension shortfalls. His work has been featured on CNN, Fox News, The Economist, Colbert Report, and numerous print publications and radio stations. He lives in Alexandria, Va, with his wife and three daughters. His Twitter handle is @FBillMcMorris. His email address is

Maggie Hassan

Hassan Campaign Manager Was Convicted of Barroom Sucker Punch

Democrats had tried to tie Ayotte to past Lewandowski remarks

November 7, 2016
Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan

Hassan Defended Corporations Against Medical Leave Suits

New Hampshire Democrats' legal career at odds with campaign rhetoric on paid leave

November 4, 2016

SEIU ID Theft Initiative Is a 'Smokescreen' for Forced Dues

Union spent $1.8 million to change law used to inform workers of labor rights

November 3, 2016

Clinton Surrogate Told Supporters Clinton Planned to Betray Labor on TPP

Clinton wanted to get 'labor off her back,' claimed surrogate Eddie Bernice Johnson

November 2, 2016

Clinton Camp: Trumka 'Not Motivated' to Support Hillary

Emails show senior aides were fed up with AFL-CIO honcho

November 1, 2016

Six Dems Return 'Tainted' Campaign Cash From Liberal Law Firm

Clinton campaign, Senate candidates have yet to return the money

October 31, 2016
Maggie Hassan

GOP Calls on Hassan to Return 'Tainted Donations'

Dem received $30,000 from firm accused of donation reimbursements

October 29, 2016

Clinton Staffers Agree: AFL-CIO Honcho Is 'Annoying'

Campaign officials begrudged labor leader's cozy relationship with Biden

October 28, 2016
Lee Saunders

Clinton Snubbed AFSCME

Campaign hurt major union leader's feelings

October 28, 2016