O’Reilly: American Press ‘Corrupt’
'There’s no question the major national media in America is trying to protect President Obama'
June 25, 2014
AP Reporter Spars with State Dept, Ridicules Their Lack of Transparency
Reporter vows to ask the same question every day until State Dept answers
June 25, 2014
White House to Congress: We Did Not See ISIL Coming
Obama administration officials briefed senators on chaos in Iraq
June 25, 2014
Feds Spent $4.8 Billion on Obamacare Exchanges So Far
Law provided ‘indefinite’ funding
June 25, 2014
Terror Victims Seize Control of Iran’s Internet
Court allow victims to control Iranian Internet
June 25, 2014
Gross Negligence
Wife of subcontractor imprisoned in Cuba pushes State to work for his freedom
June 25, 2014