
Ronald Reagan

The Great Communicator’s Great Influence

Review: ‘The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan’

August 2, 2014

Chinese Government Website Confirms New Multi-Warhead ICBM

Disclosure touted on anniversary of Chinese military founding

August 1, 2014

Despite Sanctions, Democratic Donor Stays on Board of State-Owned Russian Firm

Democrat David Bonderman has made $4 million in political donations

Congress Passes Visa Extension for Afghan Translators

House and Senate unanimously vote to grant 1,000 visas for translators threatened by Taliban

August 1, 2014

Somalian Human Rights Activist Gives Her Take on Israel-Hamas Conflict

Five points made by Ayaan Hirsi Ali on global struggle against radical Islam

August 1, 2014

Democrat Seeking National Soda Tax

Revenue to go to Obamacare fund cut by Congress

August 1, 2014