
Phoenix skyline

AZ High Court Okays Union Release Time

3-2 majority says full-time public union reps serve a public purpose

September 13, 2016

Congressional Forum in Favor of Boycotting Israel May Violate Rules on Discrimination

Member sponsoring event must attend under congressional rules

September 13, 2016
Barack Obama

Just 9 Obama Executive Orders Cost Taxpayers $31 Billion

‘Pen and phone’ strategy on Obamacare, gun control cost billions

September 13, 2016

Emails: Dem Senator Urged Justice Department to Prosecute Conservative Groups

Sheldon Whitehouse had specific Tea Party groups in mind as targets

September 13, 2016
money cash

Government Collects $2.91 Trillion in Taxes in First 11 Months of FY 2016

Despite high revenues, government still runs $621 billion deficit

September 13, 2016
An unarmed Trident II D5 missile is launched from the Ohio-class ballistic-missile submarine USS Maryland (SSBN 738) during a missile test off the coast of Fla., Aug. 31, 2016 / U.S. Navy photo by John Kowalski

America Test Launches Ballistic Missiles from Submarine, Silo

STRATCOM tests demonstrate U.S. military’s nuclear force

September 13, 2016