
Ahmad Khan Rahami

Afghanistan-Born American Sought for New York Bombing

Manhunt underway for suspect responsible for explosion that injured 29 people

September 19, 2016

Obama Admin ‘Laundered’ U.S. Cash to Iran Via N.Y. Fed, Euro Banks

Congressman: ‘Administration laundered this money in order to circumvent U.S. law’

September 19, 2016

VA Spends Billions Annually Without Proper Oversight

Audit: Agency’s multi-billion-dollar procurement program operates on ‘outdated’ policies

September 19, 2016
Patricia Ann Millett

Obama Appointee: Union Strikers Can Insult Anyone Except Women and Minorities

“‘Boys will be boys’ should be forbidden on the picket line”

September 19, 2016

Kaine: 'I Have No Reason to Believe' Blumenthal Pushed Obama Birther Story

Kaine: 'Whatever Sidney Blumenthal thought in 2008, by 2011, it was absolutely crystal-clear that President Obama was a citizen'

September 18, 2016