
Lena Dunham in Virginia

The Time Matthew Walther Had a Bad Trip After Lena Dunham Told Him She Liked His T-Shirt

Feature: Girls, hallucinations, the Blessed Virgin, a lot of alcohol, Peter Gabriel, and an Uber driver named Mohammed

October 19, 2016

Shi’ite Militias Say Will Support Iraqi Army Offensive on Mosul

Some fear Iranian-trained forces will increase sectarian violence

October 19, 2016
Hillary Clinton

Emails: Clinton Campaign Calls New York Times ‘Our Press’

Clinton was ‘upset’ over profile where campaign got veto approval over quotes

October 19, 2016
Eric Schmidt

Memo: Google’s Eric Schmidt Working Directly With the Clinton Campaign

‘Discreet conversations’ also started with Facebook, Apple in 2014

October 19, 2016
Ben Jealous, Neera Tanden

Top Hillary Adviser Mocked, Plotted Attacks on Pro-Sanders Civil Rights Leader

Tanden tried to push attacks on ex-NAACP head Ben Jealous

October 19, 2016
Bill Clinton

Ukrainian Businessman Sought Meeting With Bill Clinton Last Year

Victor Pinchuk, billionaire Clinton Foundation donor, wanted ‘private meeting’ in Europe

October 18, 2016