
Women's March Organizers Accused of Anti-Semitism to Visit College Campuses Next Month

Speakers have 'history of anti-Zionist comments and celebration of self-proclaimed anti-Semites'

September 30, 2017

DOJ Files Lawsuit Accusing Company of Discriminating Against American Workers

Sessions: 'Where there is a job available, U.S. workers should have a chance at it before we bring in workers from abroad'

September 29, 2017

Facebook Execs Were in Close Proximity to Clinton's Campaign Despite Claiming No Bias

Zuckerberg denies claims of bias after Trump said social media company was against him

September 29, 2017

Manufacturer Optimism Hits Record High After Tax Reform Plan Revealed

President Trump touts tax reform proposal at National Association of Manufacturers meeting today

September 29, 2017