
Jared Polis

Dem Rep Sponsoring Trump Tax Cut Repeal Paid No Taxes for Five Years

Repeal could cost the state of Colorado hundreds of millions

June 14, 2018

NRA Announces Support for Suit Against New Jersey Ammunition Magazine Confiscation Scheme

New law requires gun owners to turn in or destroy magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds

June 14, 2018
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) / Getty Images

IG Report on Clinton Investigation Leaves Gowdy ‘Alarmed, Angry, and Deeply Disappointed’

GOP congressman says the DOJ needs to restore faith in the justice system after bias revealed in report

June 14, 2018

Cotton Blasts Apple for Closing iPhone Security Loophole Used by Law Enforcement to Access Devices

'Criminals and terrorists should never take precedence over the safety of the American people'

June 14, 2018

Florida Dem Senator Struggles With Name Recognition Among Hispanic Voters

Bill Nelson faces a 2018 election challenge from GOP Gov. Rick Scott

June 14, 2018