Protests outside Obama's Iowa City speech

Protesters greeted President Obama's speech in Iowa City at the University of Iowa Wednesday, KCRG reports:

Not everyone was rallying with President Obama on Wednesday. Several dozen people stood across the street from the Field House and held signs in opposition to the President and his policies.

University of Iowa College Republicans, Tea Party members and others held signs high. They hoped their message would catch the attention of those passing by. There were many different signs among the group. Some in support of Mitt Romney or Ron Paul, others were sent anti-war messages asking for peace.

Many people KCRG talked to said they agree that education should be more affordable, some even said they agree that interest rates should stay down. "I think there is a lot of bipartisan support to keep low interest rates for any loan," said Mark Lucas, with Americans for Prosperity. But many said they oppose the way Obama is leading the country, and hope he is a one-term president. "We are just here to protest Obama basically his visit and we have to have change in the economy, and it’s not happening with his administration," said Kelsey Voehm, Chair of the University of Iowa College Republicans. "A college degree isn’t really worth much if you graduate into an economy where you can’t find a job," said Lucas.