Gary Johnson Struggles to Name his Favorite Foreign Leader

September 28, 2016

Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson struggled to name his favorite foreign leader on Wednesday night during a college tour town hall hosted by MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews.

"I've got to ask you a little lightening round here. This is where we have fun and maybe make some news. Who is your favorite foreign leader?" Matthews asked.

Johnson repeated the question while being cut off by Matthews.

"Just name anywhere in the country, any of the continents, any country, name one foreign leader that you respect and look up to. Anybody," Matthews said.

Johnson's vice presidential running mate Bill Weld interjected and said that his favorite leader was Israel's former president Shimon Peres. Matthews responded that he was talking about living leaders. Peres passed earlier Wednesday morning.

Matthews continued giving Johnson geographic areas to choose from to name his favorite foreign leader.

"You got to do this. Anywhere. Any continent. Canada. Mexico. Europe. Over there. Asia. South America. Africa. Name a foreign leader that you respect," Matthews said.

Johnson responded by saying that he was having another "Aleppo" moment, but Matthews didn't let him off the hook. Matthews told Johnson that he was giving him the whole world, which Johnson acknowledged embarrassingly.

"The former president of Mexico," Johnson said after Matthews kept badgering him.

"Which one?" Matthews asked.

Johnson said that he was having a brain freeze, so Matthews asked Johnson to name "anybody."

Weld started naming some of Mexico's former presidents and Johnson finally chose Vicente Fox.

Matthews then asked Weld to name his favorite foreign leader to get Johnson "off the hook."

Weld responded almost immediately that his favorite foreign leader is German chancellor Angela Merkel.

Earlier this month, Johnson made a similar gaffe when he was asked on MSNBC's Morning Joe what he would do as president to address conflict in Aleppo, the Syrian city at the epicenter of the refugee crisis.

"And what is Aleppo?" Johnson said.