Clinton Dodges Question on Releasing Transcripts Again

April 21, 2016

Hillary Clinton was faced with the question of releasing her paid Wall Street speech transcripts during a town hall Thursday morning, but she dodged and blamed the system being unfairly against her, again.

The question came from a Bernie Sanders supporter, Devin Dedford, who attended the town hall on ABC's Good Morning America.

"Good morning Secretary Clinton," he said. "Over the last couple of days, a couple weeks ago, you were calling for Senator Sanders to release his tax returns, which he did. And you were calling for more transparency. So, for the sake of transparency and just being fair, are you going to release your Wall Street transcripts?"

Clinton immediately acknowledged that this was a fair question. But, she then continued to dodge the question, citing that the system is biased against her. Clinton spoke about how Sanders only released one year of tax returns while she has released thirty-three years of them. She cited that releasing tax returns has been a presidential candidacy standard for years, the ‘tax standard,' and she implied that once Sanders releases as many tax returns has she has, then she will be willing to go towards the "transcript standard.’

She also stated that releasing her transcripts is a new standard, when the public has been asking for this for awhile now.

"I have released 33 years of tax returns and you can go to my website to see 8 years, the last 8 years of my tax returns," she said. "That is the standard that has been set for years and Senator Sanders has said he will meet that standard. And I certainly hope that he will meet that standard. Now there's a new request to release transcripts of speeches that I've given..."

Blaming the system has been one of Clinton's most recent excuses for not releasing the transcript. Even her staff tries to dodge this question at all costs. She refined this from "when everyone does it, I will too."