Chris Wallace Hits Hillary Clinton for Turning Down Interview Requests

February 14, 2016

Fox News host Chris Wallace noted the conspicuous absence of Hillary Clinton from interviews on his network on Sunday, following an interview with Clinton’s rival, socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.).

Wallace said he had invited Clinton onto his show every week since the beginning of her campaign, invitations Clinton has turned down.

"Once again this week Clinton turned down our request to speak to us and the millions of you who watch this program," Wallace said. "We’ll keep trying for an interview."

Clinton said in a January debate that she would "go anywhere to meet with anyone at any time to find common ground" in an increasingly divided country, but has so far not appeared on the prominent right-leaning network.

Wallace asked Sanders (I., Vt.) if he would agree to a debate with Clinton hosted by Fox News.

Republican presidential candidates have had debates on most major networks, including liberal-leaning networks like CNBC, while the Democratic candidates have not debated on Fox News.

Sanders said he would not oppose such a debate as long as both candidates were familiar with the setup and the questioners.

"If we were clear to understand what the guidelines were and what the rules were and to make sure that they were fair and the [Democratic National Committee] was in favor of it, I would have no objection," Sanders said.

"I'll take that as a definite maybe," Wallace said later.