Heilemann: ‘Crazy’ For Hillary To Deny Email Scandal Is A Problem

August 18, 2015

Bloomberg’s John Heilemann said Hillary Clinton was "crazy" on Tuesday for believing voters do not care about the FBI investigation into her use of a private email server while secretary of state.

"She says real voters aren’t paying attention," he said on With All Due Respect. "I hear voters are starting to really worry about this."

Clinton’s campaign insists the candidate never sent or received classified emails despite the State Department flagging 305 emails containing potentially confidential material, including at least two "top secret" emails.

"She is treating this as a legal problem by and large," columnist Al Hunt said. "She better start treating this as a political problem."

Clinton’s honesty and trustworthy poll numbers have plummeted as the email scandal continues to grow.

"They think FBI, they hear classified, they think this might be a problem," Heilemann said.

Clinton has gone back to her "90s playbook" of calling the attacks on her a "vast right-wing conspiracy."

"This is déjà vu. This is the way the Clintons did it before," Hunt said.

Heilemann said Clinton is bunkering down and in denial about the facts surrounding her, which is troubling many Democrats.

"People are worried about her baggage," Heilemann said.