Gov. Christie Challenges Clinton to Answer This Question About Planned Parenthood

August 4, 2015

Gov. Chris Christie (R., N.J.) released a video challenging Hillary Clinton to answer this question about Planned Parenthood.

"Do you support the conduct of Planned Parenthood in the killing of children in the womb in a way that maximizes their body parts for sale on the open market?" Christie asked.

Planned Parenthood has been at the center of controversy when undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress surfaced that showed Planned Parenthood officials discussing the selling of unborn baby organs to medical research groups.

Several state governments have launched investigations into Planned Parenthood and Republicans in the Senate tried to withhold federal funds to the organization.

Clinton released a video defending Planned Parenthood on Monday and alleges that Republicans are on a "full-on assault on women’s health."

Christie countered Clinton’s claim.

"We generously fund federally qualified health clinics throughout New Jersey, which provides excellent care for women and men in our state who need it," Christie said.

"Everything from cancer screenings and mammograms for women to prostate cancer screenings for men to diabetes treatment and to everything in between that can lead folks to greater healthcare available to them and can lead to greater health results for each and every person who walks through the door."

Christie said Clinton has tried to avoid the real issue of the Planned Parenthood videos.

"Now, you see, the real issue here that Secretary Clinton won’t address is the conduct of Planned Parenthood," Clinton said. "Do you think that Planned Parenthood should be able to use federal funding to kill children in the womb in a specific way, so that they can maximize the value of body parts that they then sell on the open market for profit?"