Protests Mount Over Iranian Acid Attacks

October 22, 2014

Protests broke out in the Iranian city of Isfahan on Wednesday morning over a disturbing wave of acid attacks on women in Iran over the past two weeks.

Motorcycle gangs have been implicated in a series of attacks on women who were not in compliance with Islamic dress code while in public places. At least 12 women were doused with sulphuric acid on their faces and bodies in Isfahan, while reports of four other women victims have come from the capital city Tehran.

Iran's Deputy Interior Minister Morteza Mir-Bagheri denied that the attacks were part of a "chain crime" on Monday.

No arrests have been made.

The protesters began chanting and expressing their grievances with state security forces for not protecting women from the attacks.

"Death to acid attackers. Guns, tanks, cannot be used to use the veil," the protesters chanted in Farsi. "We will sit here until we get an answer, State Security Forces. Where are the eyes of our sisters?"