Scarborough Confronts Earnest: 'I Love You Man But I Don't Think You Believe That'

September 19, 2014

Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough pushed back on White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest Friday morning, as Earnest attempted to downplay recent reports that the military disapproves of the White House's military strategy against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS.)

Scarborough began the interview by reading Earnest the Washington Post's front-page morning headline, "In military, skepticism of Obama's plan."

"We've also had the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, I think, blindside the commander-in-chief, two times now, in testimony, getting out way ahead of where the commander in chief is," Scarborough said as Earnest shook his head.

"You're saying no--I love you man, but I don't think you believe that," Scarborough said.

Scarborough brought up the Washington Post headline again moments later.

"I think the headline's wrong," Earnest said. "All they do is misinterpret Chairman Dempsey's testimony and the rest of the time they essentially quote people who are either frequent critics of the president or people who supported the previous Iraq conflict. So the more accurate headline would be 'Supporters of the Bush war in Iraq criticized President Obama's strategy.'"