Education reformer and former CNN host Campbell Brown has had to deal with a series of vile Twitter attack from teachers, trolls, and pornbots since launching her court challenge to teacher tenure.
Esquire’s Charles P. Pierce set the tone for the debate when he posted a story headlined, "Who the Fck is Campbell Brown?" Pierce—a product of private, Catholic school—declared that her cadre of rightwing "mountebanks" and "grifters," such as former Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs, are shilling for Wall Street. Pierce’s readers relied on public school language to voice their support for teachers unions and tenure.
@Colbert_Fans Wow. Turns out Campbell Brown is a total lying cunt.!
— Grrace (@Grracy) August 6, 2014
white privilege problems push a cunty news journalist to wage war against teachers. Unfucking real @MarshallTuck @campbell_brown @howiewolf
— NewsMax Health (@Mort_Magirt) August 9, 2014
The Washington Free Beacon noticed some trends in the trollosphere when it came to Brown.
1. Brown’s critics have a tough time with spelling.
When you peel back the onion, you see Campbell Brown is a puppet for tycons @AFTunion @rweingarten #CampbellBrown
— Bob Morgenstern (@MorgyWV) August 11, 2014
2. Brown’s critics have a tough time with intentional misspelling.
The truth hurts hu dick eater? @rolandsmartin @DerpJonson @campbell_brown @KFoster626 @ColorCommntwk
— BrietbrtSisterFuckrs (@HatingShitBart) August 8, 2014
What typically happens to a profession w/ shit wages hu whore? @MichaelSDN2014@rweingarten@campbell_brown@KellyannePolls
— Mortimer Derp (@DerpJonson) August 8, 2014
3. Chief Brown opponents Derp Johnson and Mort_Magirt have strikingly similar diction, style, and thinking, but are totally two separate fake users.
Who's good for nothing but choking down Jamie Dimons penis @MichaelSDN2014 @campbell_brown @rweingarten @nickbilton @Part4EduJustice
— Mortimer Derp (@DerpJonson) August 8, 2014
Campbell Brown is nothing but a corporate cum dumpster for education privateers @rolandsmartin @campbell_brown @KFoster626 @ColorCommntwk
— Mortimer Derp (@DerpJonson) August 8, 2014
Campbell Brown is a dick eating Wall St Cum Dumpster shitting on teachers for her corporate boss's @campbell_brown @froomkin @valeriestrauss
— NewsMax Health (@Mort_Magirt) August 6, 2014
Cuz Campbell Brown is a whore. A disgusting corporate crony @MichaelSDN2014 @campbell_brown @rweingarten @nickbilton @Part4EduJustice
— Mortimer Derp (@DerpJonson) August 8, 2014
USA likes teachers a lot more than some corporate dick eatin whore @MichaelSDN2014 @campbell_brown @rweingarten @nickbilton @Part4EduJustice
— NewsMax Health (@Mort_Magirt) August 8, 2014
4. Brown’s opponents have a message that resonates with pornographers.
Per the New York Post:
The campaign, by the New York-based Alliance for Quality Education, sought to paint Brown as a front for deep-pocketed special interests and lightning-rod former Washington, DC, schools chief Michelle Rhee.
And by Sunday, dozens of the porn-tinged Twitter feeds repeated BuzzFeed’s headline, "Progressive Groups Launch Campaign To Paint Campbell Brown As a ‘Right-Wing Elitist’" and linked to its story.
5. Brown’s fight against tenure is "fascist," a "war crime."
@maryjholden @BadassTeachersA The first paragraph has a link to a GREAT fact check about Campbell Brown from Colbert Report. Fascist? Liar? — Bob Stevens (@platonicconcept) August 11, 2014
@Linda1746 That tweet was definitely a war crime. What a disgusting insulation that we're ok w/pedos! Ugh @campbell_brown @BadassTeachersA — PennBat (@PennBat) August 5, 2014
6. Stephen Colbert betrayed liberals by interviewing her.
@StephenAtHome I see your guest, tonight, is reporter, Campbell Brown. And just what the H are U? You're our Walter Cronkite, are not YOU?
— richard monat (@ymorat) August 11, 2014
7. An account "parodying" Brown suggested she can afford her campaign because she’s Jewish.
@TeacherArthurG @Jeff_Bernstein Hey you're a Jew? so am I! How many houses in Hamptons you have? I have 3
— Campbell_Brown (@_Campbell_Brown) August 4, 2014
8. The anti-Brown tweets were actually a false flag campaign designed to discredit her critics.
@nycsouthpaw @campbell_brown @BadassTeachersA @lacetothetop @LIOptOut how much is CB paying the trolls, can't debate w/facts now victim
— Mary Kathrina (@maz135) August 11, 2014
Ed activists-b careful.My name's been included on vile tweets 2 @MHPshow + @campbell_brown . I think it's strategy 2 make teachers look bad
— Gail Richmond (@gailDrich) August 11, 2014