ECI Targets Jones Over ‘Left-Wing Foreign Policy Record’

The advocacy group Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI) has taken out a six-figure ad-buy to target Rep. Walter Jones (R., N.C.) over what the pro-Israel group described as his "left-wing foreign policy record."

ECI targets Jones for voting against economic sanctions on Iran and his "refusal to support pro-Israel resolutions," among other issues.

The ad will air "hundreds of times" on broadcast and cable television in the lawmaker’s congressional district.

"Rep. Jones has embraced the foreign policy views of Barack Obama and the liberal wing of the Democratic Party to such an extent that Congressional Quarterly ranks him the most pro-Obama Republican in the House," Noah Pollak, ECI executive director, said in a statement. "Conservative voters of North Carolina should know just how much he's changed since they first sent him to Congress."

Published under: Iran , Israel , Sanctions