Carney Baffled By CNN Reporter’s ‘Sharknado’ Reference

September 19, 2013

During Wednesday’s White House press briefing, CNN’s Jim Acosta asked Jay Carney "are we looking at sort of a gridlock-nado, where we could have a government shutdown at the end of the month, and then go into default a couple of weeks later?"

Carney failed to understand the reference to the legendary Syfy original film Sharknado, and appeared confused by Acosta’s question. This is another example of the Obama administration being out of touch with the American people as Sharknado is a strong contender for Best Picture.

Q: Jay, so are we looking at sort of a gridlocked-nado where we could have the government shutdown at the end of the month and then go into default a couple of weeks later. Is that a possibility -- (off mic) --

MR. CARNEY: (Chuckles.) The -- I'm not sure about the NATO part of it, but the --

Q: (Inaudible) -- may be a better tournament -- (off mic) --

MR. CARNEY: It depends on what Republicans really want to achieve here. And --

Q: (Off mic) -- possible the government could shut down and then go into default?

MR. CARNEY: Well, there's no question that Congress is the body responsible for passing legislation to fund the government and body responsible for passing legislation to ensure that the debt ceiling is raised so that the bills Congress has already racked up are paid. So if Congress fails to act, yes, it's possible.

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