North: Obama's ‘Flaccid, Low-T, Impotent’ Foreign Policy

September 11, 2013

Lt. Col. Oliver North described President Obama’s speech on Syria as "flaccid, low-t, impotent foreign policy" Tuesday:

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN: Is that a big process, a big procedure?

OLIVER NORTH: Well, it requires, one, a lot of security, and, two various types of security that does not exist in Syria, and somebody else does not provide it. And that gets you back to where he said he needs to go. I don't see how that happens. Putin’s initiative was aimed at one thing, maintaining the naval base. That means they have to keep Assad in power. So what Putin did with all of that so-called diplomatic foray was give Obama a way out. It avoids the necessity of getting a vote. And I compare that speech given tonight to the one that was given on the night of the 27th of October 1993, when Ronald Reagan addressed the nation regarding the operation in Grenada. The difference is stark. What Obama showed the world tonight, is that we have a weak, I guess the kids are in bed and I can say it, flaccid, low-t impotent foreign policy and that is a disaster for this country.

VAN SUSTEREN: It seemed like there was a very chilly reception between president Obama and Putin. For quite some time, it's been very chilly. Now in the most peculiar twist, now, it is sort of, we outsourced this to broker a deal so that he can keep Assad. We never even sought to keep Assad. Congress was in play and now they're not in play.

NORTH: Putin has his own re-set button and what Obama did tonight was give Putin credibility he does not deserve. Look, Putin heads a dying country. There is a million fewer Russians than a year ago. And next year, fewer more, he oil, he has nuclear weapons an now he has credibility in a part of the world where we ought to be the most credible nation. And what Obama has done with this -- they ought to take the resolute desk out of the oval office, because this man doesn't deserve to sit behind it, given what happened today. I know there are a lot of people looking for nice things to say about him. I found that speech tonight to be indicative of a president who doesn't know strategy, cruise missiles are not a strategy, and he doesn't know strategy and needs to go.