Deputy National Security Adviser: Kerry Speaking 'Hypothetically'

September 9, 2013

Deputy National Security Adviser Tony Blinken said Monday Secretary of State John Kerry was "speaking hypothetically," when he issued an ultimatum to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, suggesting that if he turned over his complete stockpile of chemical weapons within the next week he could avoid an attack from the United States:

Q: Tony, you said -- you said you were taking a hard look -- the administration's taking a hard look at what the Russians have offered.

Does that mean that the secretary of state, when he mentioned this idea in Britain earlier today, that that was a proposal coming form this administration?

MR. BLINKEN: No, no, no we literally just heard about this as you did, some hours ago. So we haven't had a chance to look at it yet; we haven't had a chance to talk to the Russians about it yet; we will.

Q: So you're aware that the secretary said that Assad could turn it over, all of it, without delay? That was not -- I mean, that seemed to set off this -- (inaudible) --

MR. BLINKEN: No, I think he was speaking -- I think he was -- I believe he was answering a question speaking hypothetically about what if Assad would do that. And of course, we would welcome Assad giving up his chemical weapons, doing it in a verifiable manner so that we can account for them and destroy them. That's the whole purpose of what we're trying to achieve, to make sure that he can't use them again. That would be terrific.

But unfortunately, the track record to date is -- including recent statements by Assad not even acknowledging that he has chemical weapons -- doesn't give you a lot of confidence. But that said, we want to look hard at what the Russians have proposed, and we will.

Q: I just want to make sure -- I just want to make sure, does this -- so is this an ultimatum coming from this White House to Bashar al-Assad? Is this an escape hatch for him?

MR. BLINKEN: Again, we will look at what the Russians have proposed. We'll talk to them about it, and we'll see where it goes.