Black Lives Matter Supporter Says Activist Attacks on Police Are 'Just Not Happening'

Protesters injured more than 2,000 officers in summer 2020 alone

Black Lives Matter riots in Atlanta in July 2020 (Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images)
June 28, 2022

An anti-police activist said at a Tuesday Washington Post forum that activist attacks on police "literally" are "not happening."

"I'm always interested when the police are, like, I don't know, nervous about stuff," Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson said at the forum, because "the community is not—we're not attacking the police. That literally is just not happening."

Protesters, many with ties to the BLM movement, injured more than 2,000 police officers in summer 2020 alone, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Mckesson's claim about attacks on police is not the only false assertion he made at the forum.

"The number-one killer of the police is COVID today, and that's because they are anti-vaxxers," Mckesson said, "and then the second is suicide."

In fact, firearm fatalities were the second-highest on-duty cause of death for law enforcement in 2021, a 36 percent jump from 2020, the Free Beacon reported in January.

Mckesson's claims are only the latest debunked Post narratives regarding law enforcement. The Post in May falsely said that George Floyd, who died when a police officer kneeled on his neck, was shot to death in police custody.