INSTANT ANALYSIS: Is Michael Bloomberg Standing on a Box? (Live Updates)

February 19, 2020

As the number one source for research on Michael Bloomberg's long, documented history of standing on boxes to boost his height, the Washington Free Beacon will remain on top of the issue as he makes his first appearance at a Democratic presidential debate.

President Donald J. Trump was the first to expose Bloomberg's alleged box plot, suggesting that the former mayor, aka "Mini Mike," would attempt to use a box at Wednesday's debate in Las Vegas. "He wants a box for the debates," Trump said. "Why should he be entitled? Does that mean everyone else gets a box?"

While the Bloomberg campaign has publicly denied that the candidate will stand on a box, the former New York City mayor has a history of dissembling on the issue. He has repeatedly misled the public about his height, providing inconsistent figures on his driver’s licenses and in remarks to reporters.

Bloomberg was spotted before the debate scouting out his podium, likely to judge the best position for a box-like object.

Watch this space for updates during the debate:


UPDATE (9:00 PM ET): Bloomberg steps up to the podium for the first time and does not appear to be using a box. But a man comes up and adjusts the podium. The Free Beacon cannot confirm whether or not Bloomberg is utilizing some sort of trick podium that can be adjusted after wide shots.

Note: Bloomberg once used a podium where the stepping platform slid out, making it difficult to say for certain he is not standing on a box at any given time.

UPDATE (9:10 PM ET): Bloomberg appears to be significantly taller than Elizabeth Warren, according to the MSNBC feed. We know from doctor's notes that Elizabeth Warren is 5-foot-8, while Michael Bloomberg is 5-foot-7. Our first indication Bloomberg is standing on a box?

UPDATE (9:30 PM ET): From a different angle, Bloomberg's height appears to be closer to Warren's. Impossible to see whether any box is in use. Not sure what they're hiding.

An NBC News spokesman assures the Free Beacon tonight's podiums are the same size as the last debate, for what that's worth.

UPDATE (9:50 PM ET): There is officially a box in play on the debate stage.

An MSNBC wide shot shows that Bloomberg is not currently standing on a box. However, the same shot indicates that Amy Klobuchar is standing on a box. Given Klobuchar's terrifying reputation, it's possible she has temporarily wrested control of the box from Bloomberg.

UPDATE (10:35 PM ET): Lengthy portion of the debate with no shots of Bloomberg's legs. Worth noting that earlier today on MSNBC, Bloomberg senior adviser Tim O'Brien made numerous references to Bloomberg's "platform." What did he mean?

UPDATE (11:00 PM ET): Final shots don't show whether there is or isn't a box.

The official ruling from the Free Beacon on the box claim is inconclusive. Continue to check back with the Free Beacon as we continue to follow this matter.