Heroine Defends Friend Engaged in Legendary Catfight

May 17, 2013

In the seminal film The Dark Knight, Commissioner Gordon mused that Batman was the hero Gotham deserves. Last weekend, a similarly virtuous citizen-vigilante emerged to defend the honor of her wronged friend.

Behold a heroine for our age, "Pink Dress," fighting for her aggrieved ally, "White Dress," upon the infield of Nashville’s Iroquois Steeplechase.

The clash ignites when "White Dress" quarrels with "Black Dress" over an ex-boyfriend. "Black Dress" proceeds to shove "White Dress" when the soft infield turf causes "White" to crash to the ground.

"Pink," the hero in this tale, leapt into action; unfortunately, a Brogre swipes her aside.

A Vicious Brogre Swipe
A Vicious Brogre Swipe

As "Pink" regains her bearings, "White" and "Pink" wrassle on the ground, grabbing  hair extensions in a good ol’ fashioned Southern showdown. Per "White’s" recount of the episode "("White's") ass out, but the front was covered."


"Pink" then leaps back into the fray in an valiant effort to rescue her comrade.

Hark! A second Brogre!
Hark! A second Brogre!

Another Brogre stumbles into the arena to extricate our heroine, but this time "Pink" is prepared. "Pink" throws a devastating right hook right in the Brogre’s face, causing the brohemoth to stumble backwards. "Pink" smells blood, advances on the Brogre, and then throws another killer right hook. Knowing her cause is righteous, "Pink" buggywhipps a third right hook into the Brogre, felling the cursed beast.

Righteous strikes
Righteous strikes

A Good Samaritan enters the fray to finally break the bond between "White" and "Black." As the two combatants separate, right out of "Marvel vs. Capcom," a second "White Dress" tags in and hands "White" her purse.


"White" charges back toward "Black."

Ready for more!
Ready for more!

Our second lady in white is able to subdue "White," eventually settling the enraged fighter.


A police officer finally reaches the battlefield and interrogates "Pink," who escapes into her limo, off to be called into action another day.

'Till next time.
'Till next time.

Published under: Smokes , Video