Temple of Olympian Zeus

A Democratic History of Ancient Greece

Review: Josiah Ober, ‘The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece’

January 22, 2016
Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan Goes on Offense

Column: Speaker Paul Ryan on 2016, the future of the Republican Party, and the power of ideas

January 22, 2016
Jerry Moran

Congress Moves to Block Payment to Iran of $1.7 Billion in Taxpayer Funds

Obama administration agreed to pay Iran $1.7 billion as part of a settlement agreement

January 21, 2016

Bernie Sanders Expands Lead Over Hillary Clinton in Iowa

Independent senator has 8-point lead over Clinton

January 21, 2016
Michael Bennet

Keyser: Bennet’s Vote for Iran Deal Will Fund Terrorism

Secretary Kerry says likely sanctions relief will go to terrorist groups

January 21, 2016