Hassan Rouhani

Iran Escalates Persecution of Religious Minorities Under Rouhani

Christians, Baha’is jailed despite election of the purportedly moderate president

May 13, 2015

Democratic Operative Caught on Tape in Anti-Semitic Rant

Jacob Conway claimed lack of payment kept him from enjoying Kentucky Derby

May 13, 2015

Passengers Accuse TSA Agents of Sexual Assault

Judicial Watch FOIA request reveals complaints against TSA pat downs

May 13, 2015

Senators Say China Diverted U.S. Nuclear Technology to Submarines in Violation of ’85 Accord

Beijing’s nuclear proliferation could scuttle renewal of U.S.-China accord

May 13, 2015

Report: TSA Doesn’t Know if Bomb-Detecting Machines Are ‘Operational’

‘Safety of airline passengers and aircraft could be jeopardized’

May 12, 2015