Work Minus Pay

Obama “Summer Jobs+” program touts unpaid internships despite administration’s pledge to crack down on practice

June 1, 2012

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Obama attack ad slams Romney for failing to pass tax cuts blocked by Democrats in Massachusetts State House

May 31, 2012

Panetta in Shangri-La

Defense Secretary to explain U.S. pivot to Asia in Singapore speech

May 31, 2012

War on Women in the Womb

Measure banning sex-selective abortions fails to gain two-thirds majority required for House passage

May 31, 2012

No Equal Pay for Nancy

Pelosi ducks questions on Senate pay disparity while paying women on her staff less than men

May 31, 2012

Chris Jansing gives CAF a shout-out

'They've gone after Jeffrey Katzenberg and former Gov. Jon Corzine'

Celebrated NV reporter: Close poll is not good news for Obama

NBC/Marist poll shows Obama up just two points after winning by 12 in 2008