Trump: Hollywood Celebrities Who ‘Aren’t Very Hot Anymore’ Are Supporting Clinton

August 24, 2016

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Wednesday that some of the only Hillary Clinton supporters who are enthusiastic about her are Hollywood celebrities who in many cases "aren’t very hot anymore."

"The only people enthusiastic about her campaign are Hollywood celebrities, in many cases celebrities that aren’t very hot anymore, and Wall Street donors, special interests, lobbyists, et cetera, that want to control government not to the benefit of our country, but to the benefit of their wallet," he said.

Trump may have been referencing Clinton’s trip to Hollywood this week for multiple high-dollar fundraisers. One of them was a luncheon that cost more than $33,000 a plate and was held at the home of celebrity couple Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel.

Speaking at a rally in Tampa, Florida, Trump also assailed his Democratic opponent for not having held a press conference since December 2015.

"It’s been almost 300 days," he said. "She doesn’t do rallies of any consequence. She doesn’t do this kind of stuff where you have all these people. She’s failed at filling the arenas. You look at her events. They should show those arenas. They never show our arenas, but they should show her arenas that are empty."

Trump has leveled a series of strong attacks against Clinton this week, including calling her unfit for public office because of pay-for-play allegations linking donors to the Clinton Foundation and her State Department. Trump has called for a special prosecutor to investigate her tenure as secretary of state.