Susan Sarandon: Clinton's Going to Get Indicted

June 2, 2016

Actress and avid Bernie Sanders supporter Susan Sarandon predicted Hillary Clinton would be indicted over her private email server Thursday.

Sarandon is among the "Bernie-or-bust" crowd on the Democratic side who don't believe the nomination is out of reach for their candidate. Asked by MSNBC's Chris Jansing about the daunting math that appears to guarantee Clinton will win the nomination, Sarandon implied the FBI investigation into her server at the State Department would lead to criminal charges.

"The numbers are really against him," Jansing said.

"Well, except if you talk about superdelegates, and some of them have already changed their votes," Sarandon said.

"He would need to flip more than 300, about 300 superdelegates. It would be beyond unprecedented," Jansing said.

"It would be unprecedented, especially since so many of them are lobbyists for exactly the things that he's against, but nobody's even talking about this indictment," she said. "What happens with that? Besides the trust issue of catching her in so many lies—"

"Well, there has been no indictment," Jansing said.

"No, but there's going to be," Sarandon said.

"We don't know that," Jansing said.

"Well, we don't know that he's not going to get the numbers, either," Sarandon replied.

The Oscar winner has implied before she may give presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump consideration before Clinton if Sanders were not to be the Democratic standard-bearer. Sanders is trying to win the California primary to give him a boost into the summer, while Clinton is hoping a victory there will put down his insurgent candidacy.