Ellison Barber Interviews Laura Ingraham on 'Adopt a New Attitude Project'

Ingraham to Putin: Adopt a new attitude!

October 15, 2013

Ellison Barber interviewed Laura Ingraham about the Adopt a New Attitude Project, an initiative intended to raise awareness about Russia's recent ban on adoptions to the U.S.

Barber profiled the project earlier this week:

Since December 2012 the Russian government has banned all adoptions to the United States.

The ban inspired Laura Ingraham, known to many people as the spirited conservative talk-show host and Fox News contributor, to found the Adopt a New Attitude Project to raise awareness about adoption.

"I didn’t really think all that much about adoption until I adopted," Ingraham told the Free Beacon. "When I understood that Vladimir Putin and the Russian Duma, the legislature, was considering this adoption ban about a year ago and making it increasingly difficult for Americans to adopt there. I thought to myself, wait a second we’ve got to do something about this."

Ingraham is the adoptive mother of three children. Her two sons were both adopted from Russia. The oldest of the bunch, and the only girl, was adopted from Guatemala.

While the international political dispute over the Sergei Magnistsky Act has dominated headlines, Ingraham said she wants to focus solely on the plight of the children who are caught in the middle through no fault of their own.

The project recently produced a video highlighting various adopted Russian children who are living with loving families in the United States.

Ingraham said she hopes showcasing these children will convince on the Russian Duma and Vladimir Putin to reevaluate their stance on the adoption ban.

"Adopted children are so grateful. You will never probably meet a more grateful child than someone who actually has a chance at a real life," Ingraham said. "Children everywhere who are in need, who are alone at night, who are crying, we can't be deaf to their voices. We have to listen, we have to hear."

Published under: Laura Ingraham , Russia