Free Beacon Mark Pryor

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The Worst of the Democrats in 2014

November 26, 2014

Gardner Wins Colorado

Support from Steyer not enough for Udall

November 4, 2014
Tom Cotton

Cotton Tops Pryor in Arkansas

Republicans nab hotly contested seat

November 4, 2014
Pat Roberts

Pro-Lifers Turn Out in Kansas

Protesters: Orman a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’

October 29, 2014

Big Labor’s Servants

Right to work group highlights Democrats Landrieu, Pryor, Warner, Hagan, Udall, Braley, Orman, Weiland, and Grimes

October 28, 2014
Mark Pryor

Arkansas Democrat Mark Pryor: Desegregation an ‘Unwilling Invasion’

In thesis, Pryor argued Democratic dominance in Arkansas caused by reaction to federal desegregation efforts

October 21, 2014

The Macaca Democrats

Column: Why the GOP Is Winning Election 2014

October 17, 2014