Young Voters, Both Democrats and Republicans, Don’t Trust Hillary Clinton

July 12, 2016

News site Campus Reform recently conducted a series of interviews with young Democrats and Republicans, which showed a majority of them saying they do not trust Hillary Clinton.

Campus Reform’s Cabot Phillips and Amber Athey reported on the general consensus among young voters in both political parties that they do not trust Clinton and believe she should have been indicted for mishandling classified information over her private server while at the State Department.

One young Democrat said that it is becoming harder for him to support Clinton.

Two young supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said that if Clinton were anyone else, she would have been indicted.

"If it was anyone else, like, I think they wouldn’t have been able to get away with it," one said.

The young woman next to him went a step further and said that if she were in power, she would not want to be on Clinton’s bad side either.

"She has a lot of connections," she said. "She’s very politically powerful. I wouldn’t want to cross Hillary Clinton if I were in power."

A young veteran was interviewed as well. He said that in the military, service members are tested to see if they committed acts like what Clinton did.

"I was in the military and every single year we had to do a security, like, test to make sure that you weren’t giving away the exact same thing that she did," he said. "Why should we trust somebody like that?"

Phillips followed up with the veteran by asking if he had done what Clinton did with her emails, would he be held to a different standard than what she is currently facing?

"Oh, yeah," he said. "I mean, if anybody else did it, they would be in jail by now."