Trump Blasts Media, Fake News on Twitter: 'Networks Were Always Anti-Trump,' but 'People Were Pro-Trump'

President Trump
Getty Images
September 27, 2017

President Donald Trump castigated the mainstream media on Twitter Wednesday, writing that although the press was always "anti-Trump," the American people were "pro-Trump."

"Facebook was always anti-Trump. The Networks were always anti-Trump hence, Fake News, New York Times (apologized) and Washington Post were anti-Trump. Collusion?" Trump tweeted.

Trump appeared to be claiming that because mainstream media outlets have always been anti-Trump, they came up with fake news stories to try and damage him.

His statement about the New York Times apologizing may have been a reference to a letter the Times sent to its readers back in November that Trump said was an apology for the newspaper's "bad coverage" of him.

The letter, however, was meant to thank readers for their loyalty and to outline the Times' "rededication" to high journalistic standards that the paper's leadership felt it already had.

Trump sent a follow-up tweet on Wednesday in which he boasted about the loyalty of his base and his accomplishments so far in office.

"..But the people were Pro-Trump! Virtually no President has accomplished what we have accomplished in the first 9 months-and economy roaring," Trump wrote.