Steyer Declares Victory on Push to Impeach Trump

'Everybody understands he should be impeached at this point'

July 11, 2019

Left-wing billionaire Tom Steyer declared Thursday he had "won that argument" over his nearly two-year campaign to impeach President Donald Trump, saying "everybody believes" he should be impeached.

Steyer announced this week he was running for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. He has poured tens of millions of dollars into ads and town halls saying Trump should be impeached. Asked onĀ CBS This Morning if he was giving up that fight, he said no.

"I'm going to continue to fund that, but I believe we've won that argument," Steyer said. "I think everybody in D.C., including Republicans, realizes that what we were saying for 20 months before people came around to it is now obvious and true. There's still a question about whether it happens, but I felt as if watching that for the last six months and pushing it was a profound failure of government, because everybody understands he should be impeached at this point. It's a question of whether it will happen."

It's unclear what Steyer meant by the idea that "everybody" felt Trump should be impeached, given Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and a majority of House Democrats don't support it.

Steyer, who said in January he wasn't running for president before changing his mind, told CBS he "couldn't sleep" watching the current crop of 2020 candidates.

"I also watched this campaign, and I felt as if I couldn't sleep because to me the biggest question facing the United States is not what we should do but how are we going to break the corrupt stranglehold that corporations have on our government and how are we actually going to get done things that the American people want," he said.

Steyer's entrance into the race has been met with criticism from some candidates, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), who ripped the idea of a billionaire pouring $100 million of his own money into his campaign.

Published under: Tom Steyer , Video