Women's March organizer and anti-Israel activist Linda Sarsour questioned whether North Koreans want to come to the United States while attacking the Trump administration's travel ban on Sunday.
Sarsour's comments came after President Donald Trump issued new travel restrictions on citizens from North Korea, Venezuela, and Chad, expanding his controversial ban to cover eight countries.
Protesting a travel ban she calls "Muslim Ban 3.0," Sarsour dismissed the inclusion of North Korea because people from that country are not "lining up in the droves to come to the US." She did not appear to acknowledge that most North Koreans have little freedom to decide how to live their lives.
Human rights organizations consider North Korea under leader Kim Jong Un's rule to be one of the most repressive states in the word, where much of the population is starving and up to 120,000 individuals languish in political prison camps. Some North Koreans become defectors who flee the country to escape such conditions, but the citizens are generally forbidden from leaving without special permission.
Sarsour's comments drew widespread criticism, with many social media users arguing she was being insensitive toward the people of North Korea. Some expressed disbelief that a self-described advocate for social justice could seem so ignorant of the experiences 0f North Korean people, who live under a totalitarian dictatorship.
She can’t be serious. https://t.co/qhQ9OcgntI
— David French (@DavidAFrench) September 25, 2017
@realbuntyking can we start a crowdsource to buy Linda a one way ticket to North Korea so she can find out why those ppl aren't "lining up"?
— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) September 25, 2017
Others pointed to how Sarsour's tweet reflects a consistent pattern of her ignoring injustice in non-Western, non-democratic countries.
Sarsour has form. Also thinks Saudi Arabia treat women better than the US. This is your brain on identity politics. pic.twitter.com/5MbW3t27SU
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) September 25, 2017
Sarsour also took time on Sunday to support those NFL players who kneeled for the national anthem.
When you love a flag more than you love for your black brother to live with dignity and respect. Sad. #TakeAKnee #BoycottNFL
— Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) September 24, 2017
Sarsour helped organize the Women's March on Washington, which included many fierce denunciations of alleged injustice in the U.S., and she has even denounced CNN's Jake Tapper as "alt-right" for criticizing her. Sarsour has said that resisting Trump is a just "form of jihad."