NRA Launches Six-Figure Ad Campaign Against Joe Manchin

September 7, 2018

The National Rifle Association announced on Wednesday that it is launching an ad campaign in opposition to Democratic senator Joe Manchin (W.Va.).

"Voters deserve the facts before they head to the polls," Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA's Political Victory Fund, said in a statement. "Contrary to what Joe Manchin says in West Virginia, he has supported the agenda of Barack Obama and Chuck Schumer by voting in favor of gun control in Washington, D.C."

The 30-second TV ad will run in the Charleston and Bluefield media markets. The NRA said they planned to spend a six-figure sum on the campaign.

The ad consists mostly of excerpts from President Donald Trump's speech at a recent rally for Republican candidate Patrick Morrissey.

"You see what's going on, I don't think you want your Second Amendment played with and Joe Manchin is part of the problem," Trump said in the excerpt played in the ad. "Joe Manchin always voted for Obama, and I like Joe, but Joe doesn't vote for us. We must elect Patrick Morrissey. We need him."

The ad also features a voiceover noting that Senator Manchin has received a D rating from the NRA and warns "D.C. liberals opposed your gun rights. They want to take away your Second Amendment." The gun-rights group said Senator Manchin can't be relied on to protect Americans' gun rights.

"Make no mistake, Joe Manchin cannot be trusted to vote with President Trump on our fundamental right to self-defense," Cox said in a statement.