New Yorkers Really Dislike Bill de Blasio

May 16, 2019

NBC News reporter Savannah Sellers interviewed several New York City residents Thursday morning about Mayor Bill de Blasio's (D.) presidential announcement, but they were not enthusiastic about his candidacy.

"Savannah, those people on the subway—they specifically know the mayor, two terms, what are they telling you?" host Stephanie Ruhle asked.

Sellers cited a Quinnipiac poll from last month saying 76 percent of New Yorkers didn't think he should run for president, adding that the poll factored in every "party, age, racial, and borough group."

She then played footage of some of the people she interviewed about de Blasio's presidential announcement.

"[I'm] very disappointed," a man said. "I personally would not vote for him."

"My concern is more how there's a lot of Democrats running for president, and it makes it complicated to narrow down on a choice," a woman said.

"He needs help. Seriously. The guy, he hasn't done really jack. He really hasn't. Besides, it's about time a woman runs this country," another man said.

"I don't know. There's a lot of other good candidates for Democrats out there, so does he excite me the most? No, but I do like him," a woman said.

"I think he should have announced on the first of April," a woman said, prompting Sellers to ask why.

"Because it would have been a good April Fool's joke," the woman continued.

Sellers later said that a woman yelled, "Is that a joke?" after she found out de Blasio announced he was running for president.

De Blasio joined a crowded field on Thursday by releasing a campaign video titled, "Working People First."

"Doesn’t matter if you live in a city or a rural area, a big state, small state. Doesn't matter what your ethnicity is. People in every part of this country felt stuck or even like they're going backwards," he said in his announcement video.

"Don’t back down in the face of a bully, confront him … Donald Trump must be stopped, I’ve beaten him before and I will do it again," he added.