Andrea Mitchell Slams Hillary Clinton for Being Inaccessible to the Press

February 25, 2016

MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell slammed Hillary Clinton for being inaccessible to members of the press who follow her around at campaign stops.

"The candidate I am most often with, Hillary Clinton, will walk right past you on a rope line," Mitchell said. "You invest hours and hours to go through security. Stand and listen to the set speech, get on a rope line, and you are being jostled by people who want selfies taken. And then she just blows right past and only appears or, you know, asks questions when she actually wants to. Bernie Sanders is a lot more accessible than that."

Mitchell’s comments bring back memories of Clinton’s 2008 campaign, which was pockmarked with uncivil interactions between the campaign’s press team and reporters covering the campaign.

Last year, Clinton promised a new relationship with the press and claimed that she was "all about new beginnings." Within the same breath, Clinton joked that there was a non-disclosure agreement under the reporters’ chairs.

At an Independence Day parade in New Hampshire, the Clinton campaign lassoed reporters and kept them from getting close to the candidate. The Clinton campaign claimed the rope corral was used so that voters could see the candidate and shake her hand.

Earlier in the segment, Mitchell discussed Jeb Bush's failed presidential campaign with New York Times reporter Ashley Parker. Parker agreed with Mitchell about Clinton's inaccessibility, noting that Bush had a very friendly relationship with the press and was always willing to meet with them.