Huckabee Sanders on First Year of Trump Presidency: 'Defeat of ISIS,' 'Booming Trump Economy' Most Underreported Stories

December 19, 2017

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said on Tuesday the two most underreported success stories of Donald Trump’s presidency thus far are the "defeat of ISIS" and the "booming Trump economy."

Appearing on "Fox & Friends," Sanders was asked about a poll she recently posted on Twitter.

"Which is the most underreported story of POTUS Year One?" Sanders tweeted on Sunday morning, providing two options: "-Defeat of ISIS -Booming Trump economy."

Fox morning host Ainsley Earhardt asked Sanders which option was winning among poll respondents.

"Sadly, I think it’s both," Sanders responded from outside the White House Tuesday morning. "I don’t think either one of those things are getting enough attention. These are major success stories out of the president’s first year."

Sanders went on the explain how the president was succeeding in both areas: fostering a booming American economy and taking great strides toward the defeat of radical Islamic terrorists.

The press secretary argued that while the president has made successful steps, it has gone largely unnoticed because of the mainstream media’s decision to ignore the Trump administration's positive advances.

"I think the fact that he has been defeating and helping lead that effort to defeat ISIS is a major success story that has been completely missed and completely underreported by most of the mainstream media over the last year," Sanders said.

During her appearance, Sanders also mentioned Trump’s "America First" policy, a campaign promise that has become a prominent talking point coming from the administration as of late.