Clinton Laughs Awkwardly While Watching Bernie Sanders Get Way More Cheers For His Closing Statement

March 9, 2016

Hillary Clinton often laughs during interviews and other potentially uncomfortable situations, and she emitted another awkward one at Wednesday night's debate when the Florida audience gave opponent Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) a far more enthusiastic reaction to his closing statement.

After a sometimes contentious Univision debate that delved into topics ranging from immigration to Wall Street to Benghazi, Clinton and Sanders gave closing statements. However, Sanders won the applause-o-meter with his.

"I would be honored to have your support in the upcoming primaries on Tuesday, and hope to have the great honor of serving you as your president," Clinton said in her closing.

Clinton got some polite cheers, before Sanders began speaking. He laced into his usual talking points about Wall Street, the 1 percent, Citizens United and college debt, before ending on a note that left the audience in a fever pitch.

"In the wealthiest country in the history of the world, if we stand up, fight back, we can do a lot better," Sanders said. "That's why I'm running for president."

Many in the crowd stood and cheered, and after 10 seconds of uninterrupted cheering, Clinton laughed uncomfortably at the spectacle.

Published under: Hillary Clinton