Blumenthal Opposes Pompeo's Nomination for Secretary of State, Citing His Stance on 'Reproductive Rights'

April 18, 2018

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D., Conn.) said Wednesday he would oppose Mike Pompeo's confirmation as Secretary of State, citing the CIA Director's views on "reproductive rights" as one of his reasons.

"I will oppose that nomination," he said on MSNBC. "I believe that Director Pompeo has shown a disdain for diplomacy, putting military action at a higher priority. He has devalued religious tolerance and women's reproductive rights and health care, not only in this country but around the world. I think he sets a poor example in terms of American values."

Blumenthal told "Morning Joe" he believed Pompeo's confirmation vote would likely go to the floor with an unfavorable vote from the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

Pompeo was confirmed with bipartisan support to be CIA Director last year by a vote of 66-32. Blumenthal did not vote that time.