Birth Control, ‘Personhood’ Comprise Half of Udall’s Campaign Ads

September 26, 2014

Roughly half the ads run by Colorado Democratic Sen. Mark Udall’s reelection campaign have focused on birth control and "personhood," the campaign confirmed on Friday.

The campaign insists that its intense focus on those issues is "not too much."

However, Colorado Democrats worry that Udall "is starting to sound like a broken record" in his repeated "war on women" attacks on Rep. Cory Gardner, Udall’s Republican challenger, the Hill reported on Friday.

After a series of polls this past month have shown the race statistically tied or even with Gardner up, some Democrats are urging Udall to find a new refrain against Gardner lest Republicans claim the seat in November.

"Gardner gave him a lot to work with on that subject, but a lot people think he may have overdone it," said one well-connected Democratic operative in the state. […]

"I do think there is a case to be made that it has run out of impact, that it’s gotten to its marginal utility," said [Colorado pollster Floyd] Ciruli. "And now there may be a feedback loop making fun of it."

The most recent survey in the race, conducted by Democratic firm Public Policy Polling, showed Gardner with a two-point lead.

Published under: Cory Gardner , Mark Udall