Amber Tamblyn is back in the news.
Fresh off her appearance at the Democratic National Convention where she said she has much to learn about trans women's reproductive rights, the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants star is back to talking politics: in defense of Donald Trump.
The Hill reports:
Actress Amber Tamblyn says she disapproves of naked, life-size statues of Donald Trump that recently appeared in five U.S. cities.
"Body shaming is never OK, even when it comes to Trump," the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" [star] said of the GOP’s presidential nominee in a Facebook post late Sunday.
"These statues aren’t art: They are a lazy, unoriginal concept, stolen mind you, from Ilma Gore’s [sic] painting which already made this exact same point earlier this year. This is wholly unoriginal and uncreative."
Illma Gore unveiled an unflattering drawing in February depicting Trump posing completely nude titled "Make America Great Again.
Prior to coming to the defense of obese Americans, Tamblyn voiced her concern about access to abortions for biological men who identify as women.
"For me as a heterosexual white woman to talk about reproductive rights and sit on the board of directors for Planned Parenthood, I have to not just talk about my people. I have to talk about everybody," Tamblyn said when asked whether trans women are "being denied their reproductive rights" at a DNC forum last month. "And that’s a huge thing, and that’s a major part of the discussion."
"The fact that I don’t know, the fact that I don’t have an answer should tell you a lot," she said. "About what I need to learn."
Tamblyn later said reproductive rights have "zero to do w/ abortion."