TSA Rep: We Don't Fire Employees For Being Late

TSA representative John Halinski testified that an employee tardiness should only result in termination after the third, forth, or even fifth time during Wednesdays House Subcommittee hearing on TSA misconduct.

REP. DUNCAN: How do you train, I baffled how do you train someone to know to call their supervisor? And tell them I am not going to be at work or I maybe a little late. That’s common sense.

HALINSKI: Yes sir, it is common sense. And I would tell you that we have ethics training, we have integrity training, we have situational training, on video for our people. We’re trying to train a workforce that’s about 47,000 screeners. And they have to do their job and they have to be trained. They hit that training on an annual basis. And we stress it sir we put out messages. I will tell you sir on the issue of tardiness, you’re right I am not going to disagree with everybody should be on time when they come to work. If their not they can be disciplined in the case of TSA. I don’t think its an offense they need to fired of unless it’s the third, fourth, or fifth time and it’s a consistent pattern.