Pentagon Gears Up for Robot Warfare

Before leaving office, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel got a look at high-tech projects being developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Brad Tousley demonstrated a robot that would assist wounded warriors
Before leaving office, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel got a look at high-tech projects being developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Brad Tousley demonstrated a robot that would assist wounded warriors / AP
April 9, 2015

Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work on Wednesday outlined the Pentagon’s plans for an advanced war-fighting strategy involving robot weapons and remote-controlled warfare.

In a speech to the Army War College Strategy Conference, Mr. Work said the "third offset strategy" will rely heavily on autonomous systems that will allow machines and U.S. technological superiority to win wars.

The strategy follows two "offsets" — the use of asymmetric means to counter enemy advantages. During the Cold War, strategic deterrence and tactical nuclear arms were used to offset the Soviet Union’s ground force numerical advantages. In the 1970s, precision-guided conventional weapons were deployed to offset the quantitative shortcomings of foreign conventional forces.

Read the full article at the Washington Times.

Published under: Military , Pentagon