NORAD to Run Exercises Over DC This Week

Flights to feature Coast Guard helicopters

MH-65 Dolphin helicopter / Wikimedia Commons
March 2, 2015

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) will run a series of test flights over the nation's capital Monday night through Wednesday morning. Exercise Falcon Virgo will include aircraft from the Civil Air Patrol and an MH-65 Dolphin helicopter from the U.S. Coast Guard, according to a press release.

"Exercise Falcon Virgo is designed to hone NORAD’s intercept and identification operations as well as operationally test the NCR Visual Warning System and train JADOC personnel," the press release said.

The flights will take place late at night, between midnight and 2 a.m. EST.

The exercise is part of NORAD's ongoing Operation Noble Eagle as a part of the command's response to the September 11th terrorist attacks. In recent months NORAD has buzzed DC with F-16s in other exercises connected to the operation.

"Since Sept. 11, 2001, CONR fighters have responded to more than 5,000 possible air threats in the United States and have flown more than 62,500 sorties with the support of Airborne Warning and Control System and air-to-air-refueling aircraft," the release said.

Published under: Military