Friedman: 'Bleeping Tired' of Securing Iraq for Chinese Oil Investments

September 9, 2014

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman is "bleeping tired" of making Iraq safe for Chinese oil investments at the expense of U.S. and other coalition forces, he told Fox Business Network host Don Imus on Tuesday.

Friedman said that while China is Iraq's leading oil investor, the country has not indicated whether it will be involved in the military coalition forming to combat the growing threat of ISIL in Iraq.

"When I see this coalition being formed, I'm saying, 'Where's the China brigade?'" Friedman said. "Holding our coat again while we expend another trillion dollars, making Iraq safe for their oil exports?"

Friedman said he would be "damned" if the U.S. puts American soldiers in harm's way to do what should be China's job, saying he would only advocate for U.S. airstrikes if other regional powers--including Iraqis, Kurds, moderate Iranians, and moderate Shiites--are willing to put their own boots on the ground.

Last week Friedman advocated a prudent approach to combatting the ISIL threat, defending President Obama's "we don't have a strategy yet" declaration August 28.

Published under: China , Islamic State , Oil