Boehner on Iraq: Retreating from the World Stage is Not an Option

Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) on Wednesday reiterated the need for President Obama to offer a comprehensive strategy to stop the spread of terrorism in that country and across the region.

"You know, the president’s fond of saying that only the Iraqis can solve this problem. But we can’t pretend that this isn’t our problem as well. Allowing terrorists to gain a safe haven in Iraq from which to plan and launch attacks on Americans and our allies is a serious problem," Boehner said.

"We’ve got to be engaged in Iraq; it’s in our national interest to help reverse the momentum and the spread of terrorism. Retreating from the world stage, in my view, is not an option. It only undermines our allies and leads to more chaos that puts Americans at risk," he added.

Published under: Iraq , John Boehner