AP White House Correspondent Julie Pace expressed confusion regarding President Obama’s commencement speech at West Point given yesterday.
Calling Obama’s speech "odd," Pace noted that President Obama has given numerous speeches about his administration’s foreign policy, but there is still "frustration" in the White House because they feel like they have not communicated their message effectively enough or that it has been misinterpreted by the right.
"I don’t think we learned a lot new about the President. This is basically the Barack Obama that we have known from the start of his public life. You know, a president who wants to avoid military action unless there is an imminent threat to the United States- a president who tries to straddle this line between isolation and intervention," she told MSNBC’s Morning Joe panel.
Pace also made note of the President’s stressing of increasing terrorism threats to our country, but observed "I’m not sure if he provided specific answers for people about how the U.S. will actually respond to those new threats."